
Infection Biology

Characterising pathogen interactions with the host at an atomic, molecular, and tissue level to tackle infection and antimicrobial resistance

Exploring the role of translation landscapes in Salmonella pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance during the colonization of diverse host intracellular niches

Salmonella Typhimurium (S.Tm) is a food-borne pathogen that poses increasing threats due to antibiotic resistance.

This project aims to elucidate the intracellular S.Tm translation landscapes to better understand differences related to the colonisation of diverse host-cell niches. We will employ cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy alongside subtomogram averaging to structurally analyze S.Tm ribosomes in distinct growth states of the pathogen that are related to specific intracellular localization within infected cells. This innovative approach will allow us to simultaneously pinpoint bacterial localization and ribosomal conformations, shedding light on the pathogen’s adaptation strategies. Finally, we will assess the impact of ribosome-targeting antibiotics on the translation machinery across the different niches. This study will deepen our understanding of intracellular bacterial pathogenesis, identify factors contributing to antibiotic resistance, and explore novel therapeutic strategies.

Julia Mahamid (EMBL Heidelberg), Jost Enninga (Institut Pasteur)
