Meet our Fellows – Jana’s journey as Bridging Excellence Fellow – EMBL | Stanford Life Science Alliance

EMBL | Stanford Life Science Alliance

Creating synergies between EMBL and Stanford’s research communities

Meet our Fellows – Jana’s journey as Bridging Excellence Fellow

Jana is one of our first Bridging Excellence Fellows based in the lab of Gautam Dey at EMBL and she spent one year in Gavin Sherlock’s lab at Stanford. Read here about her journey.

 A Year at Stanford University,

Two years ago, I traded the rain-soaked streets of my home country for the sun-drenched avenues of California. This move marked the beginning of an incredible journey at one of the United States’ top universities—Stanford. As one of the first Life Science Alliance Fellows, I had the unique opportunity to immerse myself in Stanford’s bustling campus and its unparalleled research environment.

Embracing a New Lab and Exceptional Colleagues

From day one, I was welcomed into a vibrant lab filled with exceptional colleagues. The chance to work face-to-face with many inspiring researchers was one of the most rewarding aspects of my time at Stanford. These interactions fostered an environment of collaboration and innovation, where ideas flowed freely, and every conversation had the potential to spark a new research direction.

Cultural Enrichment Beyond Expectations

While I expected to gain a lot scientifically, I did not anticipate how culturally enriching this year would be. Experiencing firsthand how science is approached across different continents broadened my perspective and reshaped my thinking about my own scientific practices. This exposure to diverse methodologies and philosophies has profoundly influenced how I envision conducting research in the future.

Building Collaborations and Friendships

My year at Stanford wasn’t just about research; it was also about building lasting collaborations and friendships. The connections I made have not only enriched my professional network but also my personal life. These relationships, born out of shared scientific curiosity and mutual respect, have laid the groundwork for future collaborations that I am incredibly excited about.

A Transformative Experience

Looking back, my year as an Alliance Fellow at Stanford was nothing short of transformative. It was an amazing experience that opened doors to new opportunities, broadened my horizons, and helped me grow both as a scientist and as an individual.

A Recommendation for Future Fellows

To anyone who has the opportunity to embark on a similar journey, I wholeheartedly recommend taking the leap. The chance to experience a new research environment, to learn from and contribute to a leading institution like Stanford, and to build meaningful professional and personal connections is truly invaluable.

My time as an Alliance Fellow has been a pivotal chapter in my career, and I am excited to see where these new pathways will lead.

Curious about Jana’s work? Discover more about her project: Cell cycle adaptation to aneuploidy
