
Microbial Ecosystems

Dissecting microbial functions and communities to understand how microbes interact with their environments


Flagship project

Establish new model species for the human gut microbiome

An important aspect of understanding microbiomes is increasing our knowledge of their composition – from viruses to bacteria to single-celled eukaryotes – and the functions they encode. For example, there are thousands of bacterial species that have been identified in the human gut microbiota from metagenomics datasets, yet most of these species are still terra incognita in terms of the functions they encode. Moreover, the available model organisms like E. coli are not suitable for studying the microbes that colonise the human gut because they are neither the most prevalent nor the most abundant bacteria in the gut microbiome. The Flagship project aims to focus on two bacterial species that are abundant in the human gut but remain poorly characterised: Phocaeicola vulgatus and Bacteroides uniformis. This aim is to use pioneering ways to molecularly characterise these species and to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms of microbiome–host–environment interactions.

Among the participating teams of the flagship project: Typas group is pioneering tools for pooled and arrayed transposon mutant libraries in these species to define gene essentiality and function – with a focus on functions these bacteria use to engraft in communties. The Savitski group is employing a suite of proteomic methods, such as multiplexed Thermal Proteome Profiling, to construct a detailed protein-protein and protein-ligand interaction landscape in these organisms. The Zimmermann-Kogadeeva group is integrating computational and experimental techniques to elucidate metabolic network architecture, and in collaboration with Alex Westermann from HIRI, aims to characterise transcriptional regulation in both species. Michael Zimmermann’s group, along with the groups of Nassos TypasGeorg ZellerPeer BorkRob Finn and John Lees, are functionally characterising the genetic and phenotypic intra-species diversity – specifically related to xeno-metabolism. Finally, the Finn group is developing a portable prokaryotic annotation pipeline to integrate data generated from the Flagship project.

Together, this project will elucidate the functional roles of numerous unknown genes, proteins, and metabolites in two key species, ultimately enhancing our ability to understand, protect, and beneficially manipulate the gut microbiome.



Elucidating the interplay between transcription and metabolism in Bacteroides uniformis

This project aims to generate and integrate multi-omics data using genome-scale metabolic modeling and network analysis to elucidate the relationship between gene expression and metabolism in gut bacteria. The project will be conducted by Juan Miguel Escorcia-Rodriguez –Postdoctoral Fellow in the  Zimmermann-Kogadeeva’s group– in collaboration with the Zimmermann’s group (both at EMBL Heidelberg) and the Westermann’s group (Helmholtz, HIRI).

Picture of Argentinian Andes by Maria Garcia-Alai


This project aims to understand the adaptations and interactions of polyextremophiles by co-culturing microbial communities isolated from high-altitude Andean lake ecosystems. This project is a collaborative effort between Maria Garcia-Alai and Federico Agustin Vignale from the SPC Facility (EMBL Hamburg), the Finn group (EMBL-EBI), and the Typas group (EMBL Heidelberg).

Investigating the role of convergent evolution in shaping phage anti-retron proteins

This project aims to uncover the diverse strategies bacteriophages use to counteract bacterial defences, focusing on retrons, a specific type of bacterial defence system. This project is a collaboration between Federico CoronaPostdoctoral Fellow in the Typas’ group (EMBL Heidelberg)- with the  Finn’s group (EMBL-EBI),  the  Korbel’s group (EMBL Heidelberg) and the Wilmanns’ group (EMBL Hamburg).

MetaLitBio: Advancing Microbiome Biology through Metagenomics Literature Integration

This project aims to enrich the metagenomics literature by linking key concepts in scientific articles from Europe PMC to databases such as MGnify, SPIRE, and METALOG. This project is a collaboration between Santosh Tirunagari, Senior Machine Learning Developer at the Literature Services team/EMBL-EBI, Santiago Sanchez Fragoso (Finn group, EMBL-EBI), Michael Kuhn (Bork group, EMBL Heidelberg), and researchers from the Latvian Biomedical Research & Study Centre.

Establishing a microfluidic platform for monitoring community dynamics in soil-like environments

This project aims to develop a microfluidic platform to study predator-prey interactions between soil-dwelling bacteria and protists, starting with a well-established predator-prey model system around Dictyostelium discoideum with the goal of scaling up to natural soil communities. Work will be done by Vanessa Stuermer -predoctoral fellow in Van Gestel’s group (EMBLHeidelberg)-  in collaboration with the Drescher group  (Biozentrum, Basel). Image credit: Mireia Garriga.

Summary of the project, Federico Corona

Carbohydrate availability affects the microbiome-specific carrying capacity for antibiotic resistant mutants

The project will investigate the effectiveness of artificial sweeteners in counter-selecting antibiotic-resistant pathogens in the human gut microbiome via carbohydrate competition. This project is a collaboration between Michael Knopp  -Postdoctoral Fellow in the  Typas’ group (EMBL Heidelberg)- and the Xavier’s group (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal).

FISH-ME – FISHing the Unknown in Marine Microbial Ecosystems

The FISH-ME project aims to develop a systematic bioinformatic workflow to design in situ hybridization probes for multiplexed detection of target species in diverse marine microbial communities. This project is led by Flora Vincent (EMBL Heidelberg) in collaboration with EMBL Heidelberg based researchers:  Gautam Dey, Sinem Saka and Yannick Schwab.

EMBL-HZI Postdoctoral Programme

The programme: “The human microbiome: From molecular understanding to exploiting microbial ecosystems for human health” leverages the expertise of EMBL and those of Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in the field of human microbiota research. At the end of 2022, three postdoctoral fellowships were awarded and are currently ongoing.

Understanding the factors underlying the predominance of Prevotella species in the gut microbiome of individuals consuming non-Western diets

Caroline Tawk is a Postdoctoral fellow in the Microbial Immune Regulation group led by Till Strowig (HZI). In collaboration with the Typas’ group (EMBL Heidelberg) – she aims to uncover what makes Prevotellaceae species so prevalent in the gut of non-westernised societies.

The main goals of the project are: to establish if there is a direct competition between Prevotellaceae and Bacteroidaceae species in the gut; to find the causes underlying a Prevotellaceae-dominated microbiome in non-western societies and to determine if Prevotellaceae dominance is beneficial for health.

Exploring the Bacteroidota phylum for secondary metabolites with therapeutic potential

Joachim Hug is a Postdoctoral fellow in Typas’ group (EMBL Heidelberg), working in collaboration with the Zeller’s group (EMBL Heidelberg-LUMC) and Strowig’s group (HZI). His project combines state-of-the-art bioinformatic approaches, high-throughput genetics and phenotypical co-cultivation screening to characterise the metabolic and biosynthetic capability of the Bacteroidota phylum. 

The main goal of this project is to discover and characterise new groups of Bacteriocins and other secondary metabolites with a focus on ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptides (RiPPs) with therapeutic potential.

Identification of microbiota-derived metabolites modulating tissue-resident regulatory T cells

Shafaque Rahman is a Postdoctoral fellow in J. Hühn’s group (HZI). In collaboration with the Zimmermann’s group (EMBL Heidelberg), her project focuses on identifying the microbiota-derived metabolites that modulate the numbers and the functional properties of tissue-resident regulatory T cells.

The main goal of this project is to find the molecular mechanisms underlying canonical and non-canonical microbiota-controlled functions of tissue-resident regulatory T cells in humans.
