
Open Science at EMBL

For a positive culture change in life science research

Open Science from the Grassroots

EMBL researchers drive grassroots initiatives to promote open science within their local communities.

There are two active community working groups that are open to anyone at EMBL. To join, please email opensciencecommunity@embl.org

Learning Interventions Working Group

One of the efforts involves coordinating open science training sessions, equipping fellow researchers with essential skills for embracing transparent research practices. This community working group collected the catalog of Open Science Training Resources.

This working group is to developing future open science training modules at EMBL.

Implementation Guidelines Working Group

The Implementation Guidelines Working Group actively contributes to revising and enhancing the institution’s Open Science Policy. This group helps ensure that EMBL’s Open Science Policy remains progressive and aligned with the evolving needs of the scientific community.

By spearheading these activities, EMBL researchers are fostering a culture of openness, collaboration, and innovation, laying the groundwork for a more inclusive and impactful research environment.
