
Open Science at EMBL

For a positive culture change in life science research

Open Science Monitoring

In 2022, we began monitoring open science activities at EMBL. We identified key indicators based on the Open Science Policy requirements. Our goal in monitoring open science at EMBL is to inform our open science strategy and inform further Open Science Policy development. In this effort, we are committed to using open databases, open research information, and open-source software.

Our current monitoring framework uses publications as a starting point to identify other Open Science research outputs. We integrated a checkpoint during the publishing of scientific articles. However, in the future, we would like to monitor research outputs, such as data and software, independently of research articles.

The backbone of our open science monitoring is our institutional repository EuropePMC, a comprehensive literature database enriched with linked research resources, such as preprints, reviews, data and protocol. An integrated network of research outputs, supported by persistent identifiers such as RoRids, and ORCIDs, enable EMBL, as well as all in the scientific community, to track open-access articles and their linked research outputs.

We would like to exchange ideas with other institutions interested in Open Science monitoring. Please connect with us at OSIM@embl.org.
