
Planetary Biology

Understanding life in its natural context

EMBL Global Biodiversity Portal

The EMBL Global Biodiversity Portal aims to provide easy access to annotated high quality genomes, and enable research on species from numerous individual biodiversity projects.

The ‘moonshot’ aim of the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) to sequence all the earths eukaryotic life, is naturally divided into tens, and soon to be, hundreds of different geographic and clade specific biodiversity projects each with potentially different data standards, processing and presentation. This creates a challenge for scientists to know where to track progress and how to obtain data for their species and clades of interest. Endorsed by EBP, we aimed to help address this challenge by developing a new EMBL open portal service that coordinates, harmonizes and presents the world’s biodiversity data, Ensembl annotations and showcases EMBL biodiversity research.

Access to the EMBL Global Biodiversity Portal

Project leads
