Peer Bork
Director of EMBL Heidelberg
EditUnderstanding life in its natural context
Horizontal Gene Transfer across species and habitats
The transmission of genomic information not only to progeny but also to other coexisting organisms is considered a major driver of prokaryotic adaptation and evolution.
To deepen our understanding of how genes move across our planet, the Bork Lab studies mobile genetic elements (MGE) and horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events among approximately 2 million isolate and metagenome-assembled genomes. These genomes represent over 50k species derived from more than 75k microbiome samples collected from diverse environments around the world.
Our aim is to understand and quantify the dispersal of molecular functions across taxonomic lineages, habitats, and geographic boundaries. By studying both the machinery required for these transfers and the genetic cargo, such as antibiotic resistance genes, we hope to gain novel insights into gene flux and the complex dynamics of microbial ecosystems.
Typas group (EMBLHeidelberg)
Van Gestel group (EMBL-Hedielberg)
Coelho group, Queensland University of Technology
Barabas group, University of Geneva