
Planetary Biology

Understanding life in its natural context


Towards a Standardised Data Management Workflow: a Focused Knowledge Exchange for the Planetary Biology Community.

On the left, same species, collected in Kristineberg, imaged both on the confocal (far-left, calcofluor white labelling the theca in cyan) and scanning electron microscope (centre-left) imaged by Chandni Bhickta. On the centre-right, U-ExM of a dinoflagellate, labelled for tubulin (yellow) and DNA (pink) imaged by Felix Mikus. On the far right is a picture of training from the Brooksbank team.

Large, multimodal projects to understand biodiversity at the molecular level require a degree of coordination and data integration never previously realised. Using a manageable but complex data set including samples from TREC, this project will:

(A) Collaboratively define the data flow from sample to multimodal microscopy and -omics to open publication, through knowledge-exchange events and hackathons.

(B) Develop an efficient workflow to automate this data flow, using green compute principles and reducing time to publication.

(C) Create training resources supporting EMBL scientists and the wider research community to adopt the workflow and adapt it to their needs.


Cath Broooksbank, EMBL-EBI Training, Hinxton

Dey group, EMBL Heidelberg

Bork group, EMBL Heidelberg


Hartley team, EBI-EMBL Hinxton


Project lead and contact point
