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The EIPOD LinC programme underlines EMBL’s strong commitment to promoting interdisciplinary research. The institution has a long-standing tradition of scientific excellence that builds on highly interactive research between EMBL group leaders from different research units.
EIPOD LinC projects capitalise on synergies emerging at the borders of overlapping yet separate scientific fields, and involve transferring techniques to a novel context. The programme is open to all nationalities.
The EMBL-EBI and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute share the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus in Hinxton close to Cambridge. The two institutes have joined forces to offer postdoctoral fellowships focusing on projects that combine experimental (wet-lab) and computational (dry-lab) approaches.
Candidates are invited to put forth projects of their choice involving one group at each of the two institutes or may chose from a list of projects available at the beginning of each call. ESPOD fellows receive 3 year contracts and are jointly supervised by one faculty member from each of the two institutes.
The ETPOD programme leverages the expertise of EMBL Rome, EMBL-EBI and the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, genomics, and nanotechnology.
ETPOD fellows receive three year contracts to carry out research projects between a laboratory at IIT and a laboratory at either EMBL Rome or EMBL-EBI. Three-way collaborations between the institutions are also possible. The research should take advantage of complementary expertise from the participating laboratories.
The EMBL | Stanford Life Science Alliance supports postdoctoral fellows who conduct joint research between EMBL and the Stanford University School of Medicine (SoM) and/or the School of Humanities & Sciences (H&S). The Life Science Alliance invites researchers who want to bridge two leading research institutions, work with cutting-edge technology, and develop a global profile to submit an application to the Bridging Excellence Postdoctoral Program.
The EMBL and the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) have joined forces to offer postdoctoral fellowships in the field of human microbiome research. Candidates are invited to leverage on the expertise and technologies of both institutes in the area of microbial ecosystems, and put forth projects of their choice involving at least one group at each of the two institutes. Fellows will receive a 2 year contract, and have a main host lab at any of the different sites of EMBL or HZI, where they will be employed, and spend at least a total of 3 months at the partner institution.