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Scientific Visitor Programme

Enabling external scientists and students to benefit from new collaborations, technologies and state-of-the-art equipment

The Scientific Visitor Programme is part of the EMBL International Centre for Advanced Training (EICAT) with a mandate to facilitate short-term scientific stays of external visitors at EMBL across all career levels and deliver a comfortable and productive experience.

What we do

EMBL is Europe’s flagship laboratory for the life sciences with six research sites, and is a global hub for scientific exchange facilitated by its international scientific community, state-of-the-art core facilities, scientific courses and conferences.  The Scientific Visitor Programme (SVP) is a part of EMBL’s International Centre for Advanced Training’s (EICAT) external arm with a remit to facilitate scientific exchange between EMBL and the external scientific community through a variety of measures outlined below:

  • liaison with Human Resources (HR) to assure contracts and visa (if necessary)
  • co-design and delivery of dedicated fellowship schemes targeting external scientists
  • logistics support in collaboration with HR, finance and relevant Unit administrators/ Program Officers at all sites (reimbursements, housing, access cards, IT access etc)
  • short guided visits to EMBL Heidelberg (subject to capacity and availability) for visitors of strategic relevance for EMBL and its member states

In addition to offering central fellowships targeting scientists not bound by a particular topic (Corporate Partnership Programme fellowship, Sabbatical Visitor fellowship and Christian Boulin fellowship), funded visits are possible and offered via special thematic fellowships linked to EMBL’s ongoing research programme in the areas of Theory and Infection Biology. Please visit our fellowships section for further information.

Unless stated otherwise, prospective visitors should always firstly contact a research team/group leaders of their interest and first explore the possibility of a scientific visit.

Note to visitors: Upon being accepted and registered as a visitor at any EMBL site and receiving IT access, you are required to complete mandatory IT/data security training.


Scientific Visitor Programme
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Meyerhofstraße 1
69117 Heidelberg

Tel: +49 6221 387 8986
