Enabling external scientists and students to benefit from new collaborations, technologies and state-of-the-art equipment
Application open for EMBL CPP Fellowships for scientific visitors
Training of the next generation of scientists is one of EMBL’s key missions. The EMBL Scientific Visitor Programme gives excellent young researchers access to state-of-the-art technology platforms and research laboratories at all six EMBL sites.
The EMBL Corporate Partnership Programme has prioritised the introduction of short-term fellowships amounting up to 4.000 EUR to enable junior level scientific visitors to carry out experimental projects with an EMBL host research group, thereby allowing them to build new networks and experience the international and interactive environment at EMBL, in addition to experiencing progress of their own research goals. Fellowship awardees are expected to submit a short activity report after the visit. These fellowships are run by the Scientific Visitor Programme office to provide logistic and organisational support to successful awardees before and during their stay.
The fellowships are designed to act as flexible co-funding, and can be provided alongside any other sources of external funding received by the fellow – as long as all sources of such funding are declared to the Scientific Visitor Programme office in the Application form.
Candidates are evaluated by an internal committee of senior EICAT personnel on:
In addition, already secured funding (where CPP fellowship amounts will top-up to address a gap), funding landscape of home country, and length of stay are considered on final award amount.
Applications are reviewed and final decisions are communicated to candidates within 30 calendar days following each application deadline.
Applications are open throughout the year with deadlines every three months on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December.
Please apply via Workday with the following documents:
To submit your application on EMBL’s online jobs portal, please create a profile and upload your completed application form, curriculum vitae, and letters of support. All supporting documents should be uploaded in the CV/Cover Letter section, where multiple PDFs can be attached. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please feel free to reach out.
Please write to us at vp@embl.org if you have further questions or face any issues.
Do you have questions? Get in touch with us!
Scientific Visitor Programme
Email: vp@embl.org
Past awardees
Kenya Lizbeth Contreras Ramírez, PhD student (Mexico)
LIIGH- UNAM, Cortes-Ciriano (Hinxton)
Reeba Susan Jacob, (Indian);
Weizmann Institute of Science; Mahamid (Heidelberg)
Ning Qu, PhD Student (China)
University Hospital of Aachen; Typas (Heidelberg)
Jake Turley, Postdoc (UK)
National University of Singapore; Prevedel (Heidelberg)
Yifei Cai, Postdoc (USA)
Yale University, Petsalaki gp (Hinxton)
Damiano Clementel, PhD student (Italy)
University of Padua, Bateman gp (Hinxton)
Elisabete Morais, PhD student (Portugal)
ITQB NOVA, Zimmermann-Kogadeeva gp (Heidelberg)
Bérénice Dugué, PhD student (France)
University of Bordeaux, INSERM, Zaugg gp (Heidelberg)
Marina Pinkasz , PhD student (Argentina)
University of Buenos Aires, Noh gp (Heidelberg)
Hashim Reza, Postdoc (India)
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, Dey gp (Heidelberg)
Antonella Vila, PhD Student (Argentina)
iB3, Universidad de Buenos Aires, EMCF (Heidelberg)
Olivia Carey, PhD Student (Ireland)
University College Cork, PEPCF/ALMF (Heidelberg)
Fabiola Puertolas Balint, PhD student (Sweden)
Umeå University, Zimmermann gp (Heidelberg)
Juan Carlos de la Concepción, Postdoc (Austria)
Gregor Mendel Institute, Vienna, Mattei team (Heidelberg)
Sofia Morazzo, PhD student (Czech Republic)
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, Haase gp (Barcelona)
Virginia Fasoulaki, PhD student (Greece)
University of Crete, Furlong gp (Heidelberg)
Florencia Castello, PhD student (Argentina)
National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Iqbal gp (Hinxton)
João Correia, PhD student (Portugal)
University of Minho, Braga, Zimmermann-Kogadeeva gp (Heidelberg)
Leandro Simonetti, Postdoc (Sweden)
Uppsala University, Petsalaki gp (Hinxton)
Natalie Wichmann, PhD student (Austria)
University of Vienna, Zimmermann gp (Heidelberg)