
Support EMBL

Tax efficient giving

Making the most of your philanthropy

We greatly appreciate your support, and to maximise the value of your gift we have prepared a list of tax efficient giving options for donors based in various countries.

Giving from Germany

For donors based in Germany, donations are tax deductible. On receipt of your donation, we will ensure that you are sent a receipt for German tax purposes.

Giving from the USA

USA based donors can support our activities in a tax efficient way through a contribution to the American Friends of EMBL at the Myriad USA.

Because Myriad USA is a public charity, within the meaning of Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1)) of the Internal Revenue Code, donors may claim the maximum tax benefits allowed by U.S. tax law for their contributions.

If you wish to support us, here is how to proceed:

Gifts by credit card: please go to the dedicated Myriad USA webpage for the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, select the amount you would like to donate and click on ‘Donate’ button.

Gifts by check: please write your check to Myriad USA, write “European Molecular Biology Laboratory” in the memo section of the check, and send it to:

Myriad USA

551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400

New York, NY 10176

Gifts by wire transfer: please contact Brenda Orellana at (212) 713-7660, brenda@myriadusa.org and provide: donor name and contact information for tax receipt, expected date of transfer, amount and suggested use of contribution.

Giving from other countries

EMBL is a part of the Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) network, providing a secure, tax-effective, cross-border giving framework from a number of European countries.

Donors resident in one of the participating countries can financially support EMBL while benefiting directly from the tax advantages provided for in the legislation of their country of residence. For more information, please visit here.

Please get in touch if you have any queries.
