

Transitioning to a sustainable organisation

Sustainability at EMBL reduces our environmental impact, finds solutions to the major global challenges and promotes sustainable science.

Green Labs

Life science laboratories use a lot of energy, generate a lot of waste and consume large amounts of water.

EMBL will not be able to achieve its sustainability transition without embracing ‘green lab’ behaviours. This is a partnership between scientists and the organisation which must enable these behaviours and provide the necessary facilities.

On this page you will find out how we are supporting our scientists to work more sustainably.

Collaboration and input from scientists is key to achieve a more sustainable research model. We try to facilitate this bottom-up approach by providing the necessary tools to make this possible.

Marta Rodríguez-Martínez, Sustainability Officer


At EMBL, we are using the laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) to monitor the sustainability of research groups across our sites. By joining the LEAF programme, EMBL laboratories are reducing their carbon footprint and creating an environment that supports research quality.

LEAF has been specifically developed for wet labs and sets out 56 criteria for research groups to achieve. The framework has categories on waste, people, sample and chemical management, equipment and ventilation. Research groups are awarded a bronze, silver and gold certificate as they complete the criteria.

The Schwab Team receiving their gold certificate from Edith Heard. Credit: Kinga Lubowiecka

Green Lab Examples

Dedicated tip box recycling scheme. We recycle over 3 tonnes of tip boxes per year. Credit: Stuart Ingham
Over forty ultra-low temperature freezers have been set to -70°C at EMBL, saving 120MWh of electricity per year. Credit: Kinga Lubowiecka
We provide a service to wash a range of glassware, reducing the need for single -use plastic. Credit: Stuart Ingham
We provide segregated waste management to enable recycling of suitable laboratory waste.
We carry out lab energy audits, measuring the power consumption of bench equipment and providing energy saving advice.
Staff are encouraged to adopt green behaviours through posters, stickers and guides.
