

Transitioning to a sustainable organisation

Sustainability at EMBL reduces our environmental impact, finds solutions to the major global challenges and promotes sustainable science.

Reports and Resources

EMBL is a committed to being open and transparent about its sustainability journey.

We want to lead a transition to sustainable science across Europe and to collaborate with other like-minded organisations. This provides an opportunity to amplify the impact that we achieve in delivering this strategy by encouraging and inspiring other life sciences organisations to consider their own sustainability performance.


2023 Sustainability Report

A detailed view of our sustainability activities and impact in 2023.

2022 Annual Report

A snapshot of EMBL 2022 facts and figures.

2022 Energy & Carbon Footprint Report

A detailed view of our 2022 energy use and carbon footprint.

2021 Annual Report

A snapshot of EMBL 2021 facts and figures.

2020 Annual Report

A snapshot of EMBL 2020 facts and figures.

Strategy Documents

Sustainability Strategy

Our strategy to transition to a sustainable organisation.

Materiality Assessment

Including the full methodology and justifications.

Other resources

Molecular biology for green recovery – A call for action (Paper)

Molecular biology has a vast potential for tackling climate change and biodiversity loss. We call for community-wide action to bring molecular biology to the forefront of this challenge.

Green Labs: a guide to developing sustainable science in your organization (Paper)

Here, we explore how research organizations can reduce their environmental impact, share useful resources and encourage the global community to engage in making science more sustainable.

Harnessing molecular biology to accelerate the Green Recovery (White paper)

Leading molecular biologists came together in 2021 to identify current and potential solutions to challenges in four research areas: global warming, loss of biodiversity, biogeochemical flows, manufactured pollutants.

EMBL Green Lab Guide (Guide)

Tips and hints on making your lab greener at EMBL including services offered by the organisation.

GREENER principles for environmentally sustainable computational science (Perspective)

The carbon footprint of scientific computing is substantial, but environmentally sustainable computational science is field with many opportunities to thrive.

Ten simple rules to make your computing more environmentally sustainable (Editorial)

10 simple rules to help make computations more environmentally friendly.

Sustainable European Laboratories Network (SELs) (Network)

A network of green lab groups across Europe with a library of useful green lab resources.
