Open Access Publishing in Life Science – Szilárd Library

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Open Access Publishing in Life Science

How EMBL Researchers Can Benefit from Wiley’s Open Access Agreements

Today, research communication is in a state of constant transformation. Open access publishing and other innovations enable authors to dramatically enhance the impact of their research articles; however, it can be hard to keep track of what the best options are in this ever-changing publishing landscape.

Join the virtual workshop on October 21, 15:00-16:00, to learn about the latest publishing developments in open research, with a focus on life science journals, and also learn how you, as an EMBL researcher (along with researchers at 700+ other German institutions) can benefit from Wiley’s funding agreement with “Projekt DEAL” to publish Open Access and enhance the visibility of your latest research.

Learn from and discuss with three experts who will offer practical advice on academic publishing in life science and explain everything you need to know about the open access publication process.

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