Our special collection dedicated to the first EMBL director Sir John C. Kendrew comprises of diverse monographs, written by Sir John C. Kendrew or by some of his co-workers, colleagues or close friends. From Kai Simons we learn about the early days of the EMBL as “It was a great time gently managed by John Kendrew” (Ken Holmes in “Biographical Memoirs” 2001).
Sir John C. Kendrew has a special place in hearts of EMBL librarians too, as according to Mary Holmes, first EMBL librarian, it was Sir John C. Kendrew who initiated the founding of EMBL library, as well as naming it after Leo Szilárd.
In our Special collection Sir John C. Kendrew can be found:
By Paul M. Wassarman
In this book, Paul M. Wassarman, a postdoctoral fellow with Kendrew in the late 1960s, delves into Kendrew’s personal and scientific life to uncover the background, traits, and experiences of the man responsible for so many achievements within science and beyond.
By John C. Kendrew
The topic of this book is introduction to molecular biology and in our collection we keep its translations to Norwegian, Hungarian, Japanese, German, Spanish and Polish.
In this edition, Sir John Kendrew’s Nobel Lecture “Myoglobin and the structure of proteins” that he presented on 11.12.1962. in Stockholm is published.
By Linda J. Drath
A personal item of Sir John Kendrew, this PhD thesis also describes the inception of EMBO and EMBL and the details of Ravello meeting.
By Suzy Eban
Memoires of Suzy Eban, a significant person in Sir John Kendrew’s life.