January special: EMBL authors and alumni books – Szilárd Library

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January special: EMBL authors and alumni books

Librarians collected more books signed by EMBL research staff and alumni.

Bioimage Data Analysis (Wiley-VCH 2016)

Edited by Kota Miura

From the materials of the bioimage data analysis courses held at the EMBL in Heidelberg, Kota Miura and his co-authors have created an open-source textbook to share the information with a larger audience.

Mitochondria: Practical Protocols (Humana Press 2017)

Edited by Dejana Mokranjac and Fabiana Perocchi

Once graduate student at Steinmetz group EMBL Heidelberg, Fabiana Perocchi is one of the editors of this volume. Authoritative and practical, second edition of this book aims to be useful for beginners as well as for experienced researchers in the field.

Von Genen und Embryonen (Reclam Verlag 2004)

By Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard

Nobel Prize winner and former group leader at EMBL Heidelberg (1978-81) Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard explains the development of biology since Darwin, so the readers can understand the biological facts before taking a position on the controversial questions from a biomedical perspective.
