

Promoting theory-guided paths to understanding and conceptualising the underlying principles of biological systems

Funding opportunities

Theory@EMBL Fellowship

The Theory@EMBL Fellowship Programme supports the initiation or deepening of scientific exchanges and connects theory-oriented researchers with EMBL scientists.

Find out more about the programme.

Figure1 Grant


The purpose of this scheme is to support collaborations between wet-lab scientists and theoreticians  (with at least one partner within EMBL) with small grants (up to € 30k) to work jointly on a defined biological/theoretical problem. The goal is to  strengthen an ongoing collaboration or initiate a new one.

Application Process

To submit a proposal, please download this template (access for internal users only) and send it to the TTT Administrative Assistant Lizette De Paula (lizette.depaula@embl.de). The application deadlines are  every quarter. These will be evaluated by the TTT-Chairs within the first month of the following quarter.  Please note that the primary applicant of this grant has to be an EMBL GTL who will also be the person submitting the proposal.

Pathfinder meetings


The purpose of this scheme is to promote interactions between theorists and experimentalists across EMBL and beyond. The scheme will provide funds (up to € 15k) to support the organisation of meetings, workshops,  mini-symposiums and joint scientific retreats.

 Application Process

To submit a proposal, please download this template (access for internal users only) and send it to the TTT Administrative Assistant Lizette De Paula (lizette.depaula@embl.de). The applications will be accepted throughout the year and will be collected every month and evaluated by the TTT-Chairs within the first two weeks of the following month.
