

Traversing European Coastlines

An expedition to study coastal ecosystems and their response to the environment, from molecules to communities


At selected sites along the TREC route, EMBL together with the local partners, will provide scientific workshops on different topics and techniques of interest including hands-on training on the Mobile Laboratory equipment. 

Stay tuned for the upcoming list of the workshops and courses:

TREC sequencing course in Mallorca
Organizers: EMBL, GeneCore
Dates: 6 & 7 May 2024
Host: IMEDEA The Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies, Spain

EMBO Lecture Course on Marine Imaging!

Discovering the wonders of marine organisms imaging through an immersive EMBO Lecture Course, at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Napoli. This event combines insightful lectures, hands-on microscopy workshops, and engaging poster sessions, focusing on multimodal imaging techniques.

Key Details:

  • Date: 9 – 12 April 2024
  • Location: Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napoli
  • Event Page

This course aligns with the TREC expedition, featuring speakers actively involved in this exciting marine exploration.
