

Traversing European Coastlines

An expedition to study coastal ecosystems and their response to the environment, from molecules to communities


We welcome coverage of the TREC expedition by the media and our partners, and encourage the scientific community worldwide and European citizens to participate in the conversation.

If you are a journalist wishing to visit a sampling site, schedule interviews or obtain further information, please contact the EMBL press office.

Media kit

The TREC Media kit is available for download. 

Multimedia downloads

People collecting sea water samples off the coast of Naples during a project to pilot the TREC expedition in 2019.

Photographs and images

Browse our image library for photographs of both field- and labwork as well as scientific images.

News and press releases

17 Jun 2024

TREC in Italy – sampling from coast to coast

For almost two months, Italy was the stage for the TREC expedition, with a rich programme of events organised across the country attended by the public, scientists, schools, and high-level political s…

22 May 2024

Exploring diversity in cell division

New research by EMBL scientists shows how different modes of cell division used by animals and fungi might have evolved to support diverse life cycles.

08 Mar 2024

Insights and wisdom from the women of TREC

On International Women’s Day 2024, we hear from some of the women who have been working tirelessly in the field and behind the scenes as part of the Traversing European Coastlines (TREC) expedition.


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