

Traversing European Coastlines

An expedition to study coastal ecosystems and their response to the environment, from molecules to communities

European Network

TREC builds on the resources, infrastructure, knowledge, and expertise provided by EMBL together with an expanding network of European partner institutions. The multinational core partners are:

  • European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) – coordinates the expedition and provides Mobile Labs on the land for the collection, processing, and storage of samples. 
  • Tara Ocean Foundation and Tara Oceans Consortium – provide the Tara schooner and survey ocean sampling and metadata collection. 
  • European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC-ERIC) – coordinates its marine stations as important scientific bases along the coast, and provides services and local expertise. 

In addition, the project relies on multifaceted cooperation with multiple national and local European partners and research institutes along the European coastline such as IfremerCNRS, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, and many others. TREC collaborators and partners provide crucial expertise and infrastructure for the expedition. Furthermore, they contribute “plug-in projects” that will enrich and complement the scientific output of the expedition. For more details check our Projects page.

The TREC project brings together molecular biologists, ecologists, oceanographers, data scientists, chemists, and engineers from across different nations, making this a truly collaborative, interdisciplinary, and comprehensive effort.


An EMBL-coordinated project that unites 31 institutes to address pressing global challenges on marine biodiversity.

Joining forces with TREC, BIOcean5D generates data and knowledge to sustainably measure, understand, value, and predict biodiversity across marine ecosystems. The project aims to provide quantitative tools for marine biodiversity policy implementation. The project is co-funded by the European Union, with Swiss and UK partners funded by Swiss and UK government, respectively.

List of marine stations and institutions that hosted TREC 2023/2024CityCountry
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IOF)SplitCroatia
Aarhus University, Department of Biology, Section for Aquatic BiologyAarchusDenmark
University of Copenhagen – Department of Biology, Marinbiologisk LaboratoriumCopenhagenDenmark
Tallinn University of Technology – Laboratory of Marine EcologyTallinnEstonia
University of Tartu – Estonian Marine InstituteTartuEstonia
Åbo Akademi University – The SeaTurkuFinland
IFREMER – Station de Port en BessinBaie de VaysFrance
Station Ifremer de LorientLorientFrance
Réseau d’Observatoires de Microbiologie Environnementale intégréeLa TrembladeFrance
Station Biologique de RoscoffRoscoffFrance
L’observatoire océanologique de Banyuls-sur-MerBanyuls-sur-MerFrance
L’Institut de la Mer de VillefrancheVillefrancheFrance
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Zentrum for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)SyltGermany
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde (IOW)RostockGermany
Hellenic Centre for Marine ResearchAthens / CreteGreece
Democritus University of ThraceThraceGreece
Marine Institute Foras na MaraGalwayIreland
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (SNZ)NapoliItaly
Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS)TriesteItaly
SZN Calabria OutstationCalabriaItaly
CNR – Istituto per le Risorse Biologiche e le Biotecnologie Marine, LesinaLesinaItaly
Istituto per le Risorse Biologiche e le Biotecnologie Marine (CNR IRBIM)AnconaItaly
CNR Istituto di Biofisica Unità Operativa di PisaPisaItaly
Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology (LIAE)RigaLatvia
Klaipeda University – Marine Research InstituteKlaipedaLithuania
Institute of Marine Biology, University of KotorKotorMonte-negro
University of Bergen – Espegrend Marine Research Field StationBergen / EspegrendNorway
Polish Academy of Sciences – Institute of Oceanology (IO-PAN)SopotPoland
CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental ResearchPortoPortugal
Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR)FaroPortugal
Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology & Biotechnology, Plentzia Marine Station University of the Basque CountryBilbaoSpain
Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM)BarcelonaSpain
Estación de Biología Marina de A GrañaFerrolSpain
University Institute of Marine Research of the University of CádizCádizSpain
Spanish Institute of Oceanography in MalagaMalagaSpain
Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies, IMEDEAMallorcaSpain
Stockholm University – Baltic Sea CentreAsko / StockholmSweden
University of Gothenburg – Kristineberg Center for Marine ResearchKristinebergSweden
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)TexelNether-lands
St Abbs Marine StationSaint AbbsUK
University of St Andrews – Scottish Oceans Institute – Gatty Marine LaboratorySaint AndrewsUK
National Oceanography Centre (NOC)SouthamptonUK
