Leho Tedersoo
Professor at Tartu University
Traversing European Coastlines
An expedition to study coastal ecosystems and their response to the environment, from molecules to communities
The TREC expedition started in April 2023 and lasted until the end of July 2024. During that time, the researchers gathered biological samples and environmental data along the European coastline at 115 land-sea transects. In selected sites, time-series measurements are performed to account for annual changes.
The expedition combines ocean exploration, conducted by the Tara Ocean Foundation and Tara Oceans Consortium, with parallel sampling of soil, sediment, shallow water, and selected model organisms in various habitats, supported by EMBL’s land-based mobile services and local marine research institutions. Organismal diversity is being studied across scales, from viruses, bacteria, and protists to multicellular groups such as algae and animals. Analysis involves various meta- and single-cell omics as well as barcoding techniques that will be combined with innovative microscopy pipelines including automated imaging and electron microscopy. This allows unprecedented detail in associating molecular and morphological data at the single-organism and single-cell level. Besides standard oceanographic metadata, special emphasis is put on detecting metabolites as well as physical and chemical (i.e. inorganic and organic pollutants such as metals, pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics) characterization of the sampled habitats, providing the environmental framework to the biodiversity and adaptation analyses.
Overall, the expedition aims to conduct systematic, standardized, and integrated sampling with multimodal environmental metadata acquisition. This integrated profiling across environmental and man-made gradients of micro- and macroscopic life will enable us to obtain a first of the kind, pan-European census of European coastal ecosystems.
The TREC expedition is embedded in the TREC project, which is governed by the TREC consortium steering committee.
Soil Biology
Professor at Tartu University
Soil biogeochemistry
Science director at CEREEP and research professor at ENS, CNRS
Researcher at IFREMER
Coastal and offshore waters
Tara Europa Research Director at CNRS
Shallow waters
Group leader at EMBL
Researcher at IFREMER
Model organisms
Group leader and Senior scientist at EMBL
Chemical profiling
Group leader at EMBL
To perform sampling as shown on the map above, TREC works closely with several local partner institutions along the way. Click to open an interactive map showing the national stops of the expedition and TREC activities there.
Soil Microbiologist
EditEnvironmental Samples Collection Manager
EditPostdoctoral Fellow
EditPostdoctoral Fellow
EditPredoctoral Fellow
EditPostdoctoral Fellow
EditImaging Specialist
EditImaging / Flow Cytometry Specialist
EditData Manager for ecosystem sampling exp.
EditMany thanks to everyone for your dedication and work to make this expedition happen, from our numerous partner institutions and EMBL departments of Accounting, Budget Office, Comms, COO Office, Drivers, Finance, Facility Management, Health and Safety, Human Resources, Imaging Centre, International Relations, IT, Legal, Operations HD, ORD, Photolab, Planetary Biology Transversal Theme, Purchase, Reception, Stores, Strategy, Workshop, and in particular to the people listed below.