Alexander Aulehla
Head of Developmental Biology Unit
EditPromoting theory-guided paths to understanding and conceptualising the underlying principles of biological systems
The Theory@EMBL research programme promotes theory-guided paths to discovering, understanding, and conceptualising the underlying principles of complex and dynamic biological systems at all scales, from molecules to organisms to ecosystems.
The Theory@EMBL Transversal theme is embedded in the exciting environment of cutting-edge experimental biological research at EMBL and complements EMBL’s computational and data analysis activities. The development of novel conceptual theoretical frameworks is an integral part of EMBL’s scientific research. It builds on EMBL’s strong culture of interdisciplinarity and collaboration, and contributes to creating a diverse EMBL community of experimentalists and theoreticians. It integrates theoretical approaches established in other fields, such as physics, mathematics, and information science, to solve challenging biological problems.
The core elements of the Theory@EMBL programme are:
Head of Developmental Biology Unit
EditGroup Leader and Senior Scientist
EditGroup Leader and Co-chair of Theory at EMBL Transversal Theme
EditAdministrative Assistant (TT)