Science Education

Formerly known as European Learning Laboratory for the Life Sciences

Our inspiring educational experiences share the scientific discoveries of EMBL with young learners aged 10-19 years and teachers in Europe and beyond. We belong to EMBL’s Science Education and Public Engagement office.

EMBL Insight Lecture 2014: now available as video-on-demand

Did you miss the EMBL Insight Lecture 2014 by Dr. Cornelius Gross on “Why do we do what we do? Exploring the neural basis of emotions”? The video-on-demand is now available.

Did you miss the EMBL Insight Lecture 2014 by Dr. Cornelius Gross on “Why do we do what we do? Exploring the neural basis of emotions”? 

Insight Lectures 2014 122014_S7A1471Insight Lectures 2014 122014_S7A1487We are pleased to announce that the video of Cornelius’ talk is now available on EMBLog, where it can be viewed on demand. The media player provides the option to choose between a “slide-plus-speaker view” and “slide-only view”, and allows to jump to specific parts of the lecture.

In his engaging presentation, Cornelius provides an introduction to the study of brain and behaviour and explores the challenges scientists face when trying to understand how complex behaviour is determined. In the main part of his talk, Cornelius focuses on the role of neural circuits in controlling emotions such as fear and anxiety and shares his research insights into this fascinating field of biology. Cornelius’ central question in the talk is: why do we do what we do?

The lecture on the 5th December 2014 at EMBL Heidelberg, Germany was attended by 200 students from four local schools and followed online by almost 20 schools from across Europe. During the two question sessions, participants on-site as well as via the web engaged in lively discussion with Cornelius about his research work.

EMBL Insight Lecture 2014
Click on the image to watch the EMBL Insight Lecture 2014.

 Click here to watch the EMBL Insight Lecture 2014.