
Science Education

Formerly known as European Learning Laboratory for the Life Sciences

Our inspiring educational experiences share the scientific discoveries of EMBL with young learners aged 10-19 years and teachers in Europe and beyond. We belong to EMBL’s Science Education and Public Engagement office.

EMBL Insight Lecture 2015: register for live streaming now

Register now for the online live streaming of the EMBL Insight Lecture “Cell division in focus - imaging the first steps of life” by Dr. Jan Ellenberg - 20 November 2015.

Register for the online live streaming event!

EMBL Insight Lecture “Cell division in focus – imaging an essential step of life”

by Dr. Jan Ellenberg – 20 November 2015

Have you ever wondered how scientists go about studying the basis of life, that is cell division? Find out and register now to attend the next EMBL Insight Lecture on 20 November 2015 virtually over the web.

The upcoming seminar entitled “Cell division in focus – imaging an essential step of life” will be given by Dr. Jan Ellenberg, who is Senior Scientist at EMBL Heidelberg and leads a research group on cell division and organisation. In the EMBL Insight Lecture, Jan Ellenberg will provide an introduction to mammalian cell biology, discuss how individual molecular building blocks create a functional cell and what we know about cell division. In the main part of his talk, Jan Ellenberg will discuss how genetic approaches can be combined with high-throughput light microscopy and computational modelling and analysis to uncover the molecular mechanisms behind cell divisions.

We would like to invite you and your students to attend the live streaming of this event. If you are interested in attending, please register via the “Registration” tab below.

More information on the concept behind EMBL Insight Lectures as well as videos on-demand of previous events may be found here.

We  are looking forward to this exciting, interactive event and hope to see many of you online on the 20 November!


[tab title=”Programme”]

EMBL Insight Lecture programme on 20 November 2015

10:30 am (CET): Activation of the live streaming links to EMBL

10:45 am (CET): Start of the EMBL Insight Lecture with Jan Ellenberg

                           Lecture including 2 question sessions.

12:00 (CET): Lecture live stream ends


[tab title=”Registration”]

To register for the live streaming of the event, please fill in the following registration form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/eil2015_stream

Teachers can register their students until 18 November 2015.


[tab title=”Active participation”]

Ask questions during and after the lecture!

To give you and your pupils the opportunity to participate in the live-discussions, we will offer a Skype channel where your students can ask questions directly to the speaker in text form or via video chat. To be able to ask questions online you will need a Skype account. Details on the live discussion part of the event will be circulated to participants following registration.


[tab title=”Technical requirements”]

For watching the live stream of the EMBL Insight Lecture you will need:

In addition, you may want to connect your computer to a projector and a sound system to allow all students in the classroom to watch the lecture. After your registration we will contact you about the detailed technical requirements for setting up the live stream on your school computers, and all participants will receive a link with which they can access the live stream on 20 November 2015.


