EMBL Insight Lecture 2024
“Imaging life - How modern microscopes revolutionise biology” by Dr. Robert Prevedel
Formerly known as European Learning Laboratory for the Life Sciences
Our inspiring educational experiences share the scientific discoveries of EMBL with young learners aged 10-19 years and teachers in Europe and beyond. We belong to EMBL’s Science Education and Public Engagement office.
Since its start in 2003, the EMBL Insight Lecture series has been inspiring thousands of young learners from across the world. Each year, a senior EMBL scientist presents their research on a cutting-edge topic in the life sciences in a lecture specifically designed for a secondary school student audience.
We invite young learners aged 16 to 19 to attend the virtual event with their school classes or as individuals.
Recordings of the lectures are available on our website. The lectures cover a wide range of life sciences topics, from genomics and neuroscience, to ocean diversity, advances in light microscopy and the study of macromolecules.
“Imaging life - How modern microscopes revolutionise biology” by Dr. Robert Prevedel
“Imaging life - How modern microscopes revolutionise biology” by Dr. Robert Prevedel
“Uncovering the origin of learning and memory - A journey into the evolution of nervous systems” by Dr. Detlev Arendt
"The shapes of life: modelling how cells self-organise" by Dr. James Sharpe
“Cells, computers and microscopy: how can AI pave the way to scientific discovery?“ by Dr. Anna Kreshuk
"Discover RNA - the language of genomes" by Professor Matthias W. Hentze
"Ageing and disease - What is the link?" by Professor Dame Janet Thornton
"Rhythms of Life – how cellular clocks function in development and disease" by Dr. Alexander Aulehla
"Seeing is Believing - How Technology enables Structural Biology" by Professor Thomas R. Schneider
"Genomics and Big Data: Transforming our Understanding of the Processes of Life" by Professor Ewan Birney
"Cell division in focus - imaging an essential step of life" by Dr. Jan Ellenberg