Teacher training
Attend virtual and in-person professional development courses on topics related to ecology and the environment.
Formerly known as European Learning Laboratory for the Life Sciences
Our inspiring educational experiences share the scientific discoveries of EMBL with young learners aged 10-19 years and teachers in Europe and beyond. We belong to EMBL’s Science Education and Public Engagement office.
Understanding life in its environmental context is crucial for finding solutions to maintain and improve our planet’s health. The TRaversing European Coastlines (TREC) expedition aimed to reach a new and comprehensive understanding of ecosystems and their responses to changing environments. This unparalleled scientific endeavour, which was led by EMBL in collaboration with partner institutes from across Europe, set out to study the interaction between coastal and inland ecosystems and their organisms using, among others, molecular biology approaches.
As part of the mission, the TREC Science Education and Public Engagement programme offered activities for European citizens of any age and background along the TREC route as well as for those living elsewhere in Europe.
The TREC education activities aimed to inspire the next generation of citizens with cutting-edge research and support the teaching of topics related to ecology and molecular biology in schools and informal learning environments. The programme covered workshops for young learners along the TREC route, virtual and in-person professional development training for teachers, and brand-new teaching and learning material.
Attend virtual and in-person professional development courses on topics related to ecology and the environment.
Experience the expedition live at one of the stop-overs across the European coastline.
Discover our game-based educational resource with your students.