
The Director advises and works closely with EMBL’s Director General and supports her representing EMBL as an international scientific research, training and service organisation.

While the Director General and the governing EMBL Council set the overall programme and directions of the Laboratory, the Director contributes to their implementation and generates additional opportunities for the Laboratory.

He promotes aspects of EMBL’s public engagement and communication strategy, generating visibility and positive awareness of the Laboratory. The Director oversees the areas Resource Development and Alumni Relations, and is supported by the Director's Office.

The Director reserves priority time for the Laboratory’s major private funders. He seeks their advice and support and communicates the Laboratory’s vision, achievements and needs. The Director also works closely with the Board of EMBL’s Alumni Association to maximise mutually beneficial interactions between EMBL Alumni, EMBL staff and the Laboratory itself.

Director's Office



EMBL is an inter-governmental organisation with 29 member states, one associate member and two prospect members that is led by the Director General, Prof. Edith Heard, appointed by the EMBL Council.