Heads of EMBL Sites

They provide leadership and guidance to their units, and assist the Director General and Deputy DG in representing EMBL to external stakeholders in their host countries.

EMBL operates from six sites across Europe. The headquarters and largest laboratory site is in Heidelberg, Germany.

EMBL Barcelona

EMBL’s site in Spain specialises in tissue biology and disease modelling

EMBL Grenoble

Located on the EPN science campus, EMBL's site in France is a centre for structural biology studies

EMBL Hamburg

Research in structural biology benefits from the powerful accelerator facilities on Hamburg's DESY campus

EMBL Heidelberg

EMBL's headquarters and main laboratory site supports research, services, advanced training, and technology development


EMBL's site in Italy is a centre for research in epigenetics and neurobiology

EMBL is an inter-governmental organisation with 29 member states, one associate member and two prospect members that is led by the Director General, Prof. Edith Heard, appointed by the EMBL Council.