
Arendt Group

Evolution of the nervous system in bilateria


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Priorities for ocean microbiome research.

Tara Ocean Foundation, Tara Oceans, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), European Marine Biological Resource Centre - European Research Infrastructure Consortium (EMBRC-ERIC)

Nature microbiology, 2022


Profiling cellular diversity in sponges informs animal cell type and nervous system evolution.

Musser JM, Schippers KJ, Nickel M, Mizzon G, Kohn AB, Pape C, Ronchi P, Papadopoulos N, Tarashansky AJ, Hammel JU, Wolf F, Liang C, Hernández-Plaza A, Cantalapiedra CP, Achim K, Schieber NL, Pan L, Ruperti F, Francis WR, Vargas S, Kling S, Renkert M, Polikarpov M, Bourenkov G, Feuda R, Gaspar I, Burkhardt P, Wang B, Bork P, Beck M, Schneider TR, Kreshuk A, Wörheide G, Huerta-Cepas J, Schwab Y, Moroz LL, Arendt D

Science (New York, N.Y.), 2021


The Nereid on the rise: Platynereis as a model system.

Özpolat BD, Randel N, Williams EA, Bezares-Calderón LA, Andreatta G, Balavoine G, Bertucci PY, Ferrier DEK, Gambi MC, Gazave E, Handberg-Thorsager M, Hardege J, Hird C, Hsieh YW, Hui J, Mutemi KN, Schneider SQ, Simakov O, Vergara HM, Vervoort M, Jékely G, Tessmar-Raible K, Raible F, Arendt D

EvoDevo, 2021


Elementary nervous systems.

Arendt D

Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 2021


A community-based transcriptomics classification and nomenclature of neocortical cell types.

Yuste R, Hawrylycz M, Aalling N, Aguilar-Valles A, Arendt D, Arnedillo RA, Ascoli GA, Bielza C, Bokharaie V, Bergmann TB, Bystron I, Capogna M, Chang Y, Clemens A, de Kock CPJ, Dos Santos SE, DeFelipe J, Feldmeyer D, Dunville K, Fishell GJ, Fiáth R, Gao X, Foggetti A, Goriounova NA, Ghaderi P, Hagihara K, Güntürkün O, Helmstaedter M, Hall VJ, Hilscher MM, Herculano S, Hodge R, Huang J, Hirase H, Hjerling-Leffler J, Kiehn O, Koch H, Huda R, Khodosevich K, Larrañaga P, Lelieveldt B, Kuebler ES, Kühnemund M, Mansvelder HD, Marin O, Louth EL, Lui JH, Nedergaard M, Nath A, Moradi Chameh H, Martinez-Trujillo J, Pontes S, Pfisterer UG, Ofer N, Němec P, Scheuermann R, Sanes JR, Rossier J, Redmond W, Tamás G, Somogyi P, Steiger JF, Serrano-Saiz E, Wozny C, Wuttke TV, Yong L, Yuan J, Tolias AS, Tosches MA, García MT, Vieira HM, Zeng H, Lein E

Nature neuroscience, 2020


The origin and evolution of cell types.

Arendt D, Musser JM, Baker CV, Bergman A, Cepko C, Erwin DH, Pavlicev M, Schlosser G, Widder S, Laubichler MD, Wagner GP

Nature reviews. Genetics, 2016


The mid-developmental transition and the evolution of animal body plans.

Levin M, Anavy L, Cole AG, Winter E, Mostov N, Khair S, Senderovich N, Kovalev E, Silver DH, Feder M, Fernandez-Valverde SL, Nakanishi N, Simmons D, Simakov O, Larsson T, Liu SY, Jerafi-Vider A, Yaniv K, Ryan JF, Martindale MQ, Rink JC, Arendt D, Degnan SM, Degnan BM, Hashimshony T, Yanai I

Nature, 2016


Insights into bilaterian evolution from three spiralian genomes

Simakov O, Marletaz F, Cho SJ, Edsinger-Gonzales E, Havlak P, Hellsten U, Kuo DH, Larsson T, Lv J, Arendt D, Savage R, Osoegawa K, de Jong P, Grimwood J, Chapman JA, Shapiro H, Aerts A, Otillar RP, Terry AY, Boore JL, Grigoriev IV, Lindberg DR, Seaver EC, Weisblat DA, Putnam NH, Rokhsar DS

Nature, 2013


A holistic approach to marine eco-systems biology

Karsenti E, Acinas SG, Bork P, Bowler C, De Vargas C, Raes J, Sullivan M, Arendt D, Benzoni F, Claverie JM, Follows M, Gorsky G, Hingamp P, Iudicone D, Jaillon O, Kandels-Lewis S, Krzic U, Not F, Ogata H, Pesant S, Reynaud EG, Sardet C, Sieracki ME, Speich S, Velayoudon D, Weissenbach J, Wincker P, Tara Oceans Consortium

PLoS biology, 2011


To be or not to be a flatworm: the acoel controversy

Egger B, Steinke D, Tarui H, De Mulder K, Arendt D, Borgonie G, Funayama N, Gschwentner R, Hartenstein V, Hobmayer B, Hooge M, Hrouda M, Ishida S, Kobayashi C, Kuales G, Nishimura O, Pfister D, Rieger R, Salvenmoser W, Smith J, Technau U, Tyler S, Agata K, Salzburger W, Ladurner P

PloS one, 2009


A genome resource for the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii.

Mutemi KN, Simakov O, Pan L, Santangeli L, Null R, Handberg-Thorsager M, Vellutini BC, Larsson T, Savage E, Lopez MO, Hercog R, Provaznik J, Ordoñez-Rueda D, Azevedo N, Gazave E, Vervoort M, Tomancak P, Tan W, Winkler S, Benes V, Hui J, Helm C, Özpolat BD, Arendt D

bioRxiv, 2024


A lamprey neural cell type atlas illuminates the origins of the vertebrate brain.

Lamanna F, Hervas-Sotomayor F, Oel AP, Jandzik D, Sobrido-Cameán D, Santos-Durán GN, Martik ML, Stundl J, Green SA, Brüning T, Mößinger K, Schmidt J, Schneider C, Sepp M, Murat F, Smith JJ, Bronner ME, Rodicio MC, Barreiro-Iglesias A, Medeiros DM, Arendt D, Kaessmann H

Nature ecology & evolution, 2023


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