Blog – Galej Group

Galej Group

Structure and function of RNA-protein complexes

The Galej group uses an integrated structural biology approach combined with biochemistry and biophysics to investigate large RNA-protein complexes involved in gene expression.


Group retreat 2024

We had a great time at the joint Eustermann-Galej group retreat in Alsace. Two days of intense exchanges, whiteboard presentations and focus group discussions. All that was complemented by great food and an introductory golf session. We are back in Grenoble, inspired to try new experiments!

Our U5 snRNP paper featured by NSMB

Check out the latest thematic issue of NSMB focusing on mechanisms of RNA splicing and processing. We are delighted to have our small contribution there!

A new paper on the U5 snRNP assembly

U5 snRNP is one of the key building blocks of the spliceosome, but how it is assembled and recycled remains unknown. In our new paper published in NSMB, we provide new mechanistic insights into this process. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41594-024-01250-5 We investigated the role of the assembly…


We warmly welcome Sichen, Iskander and Jonas, our latest group members who joined in the past few months. Sichen Su did his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Fudan University in Shanghai under the supervision of Dr. Jinbiao Ma.He investigated various aspects of RNA metabolism…

GBP1 paper is out

We are happy to share that our newest collaborative paper on self-damage control and defence system during pathogen infection was just published in Science! Huge congratulations to everyone involved, in particular our collaborators Daniel Fisch and Eva Frickel (https://frickellab.com/) for driving…


A warm welcome to Simonas and Mani, our two newest lab members! Manikandan Parthasarathy did his PhD at the Indian Institute of Science under the supervision of Prof. Mahavir Singh, where he investigated the structure and assembly of type III TA systems from E. coli. He joined EMBL EIPOD-LinC…

Lab reunion at the RNA Society meeting

Our group was well represented at this year’s RNA Society meeting in Singapore. We presented posters about the Integrator complex (Michal), U2 snRNP (Jonas) and a talk on the tri-snRNP assembly intermediate (Wojtek).It was great to see our two former PhD students, Jonas and Moritz, who keep their…

MSCA fellowship for Jiangfeng Zhao

Jiangfeng Zhao was awarded Marie-Curie postdoctoral fellowship from the European Commission to study the assembly of splicing complexes in mammals. Congratulations!

