Carmen Moccia – Haase Group

Haase Group

Engineering vascularised tissue-specific disease models

The Haase group develops novel 3D vascularised in vitro tissues for disease modelling, drug development and regenerative medicine.

Author: Carmen Moccia

Carmen Moccia

Goodbye Scott!

For the Haase Lab it is time to say farewell to our visiting scholar Scott! Scott Erickson, from the USA, joined our lab in January 2021 (previously did an MSc in Kyoto Japan). He has been working together with Marta Cherubini on the vascularized placenta project. In this past year, Scott shared…

Carmen Moccia

Akinola wins best poster award at EMBL Lab day

On the 3rd of September 2021, the EMBL scientific community virtually gathered to share our science, network, and reflect on the past year. There were informative scientific talks, panel discussions, flash talks, and poster presentations (fun and scientific). Akinola, PhD student in our group, was…

