
Korbel Group

Molecular mechanisms of genomic variation and chromosome instability

Fellow opportunities

Our group is participating in the 2022 EIPOD-LinC Fellowship Programme call for applications. Collaborations that are relevant to the call are listed below. Please contact Jan Korbel to discuss your project ideas.


  • Tobias Marschall, Uni Clinics Düsseldorf, Germany: haplotype-resolved structural variation characterisation, population-scale long-read sequencing and pan-genome analysis. 
  • Oliver Stegle, EMBL Heidelberg: Spatial and single-cell multi-omics in common cancers, methodological innovations in multi-omics data integration, identification of causal cancer states as novel biomarkers
  • Talya Dayton, EMBL BarcelonaAdvanced imaging and genomic analyses in tumour organoids to identify drivers and biomarkers of cancer progression

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