In-cell structural systems biology of infection
For ‘dry-lab’ bioinformaticians, we offer opportunities to develop applied projects based on our own experimental data, data from collaborators at EMBL and outside, and projects focused on software development. For ‘wet-lab’ experimentalists, we have a cell biology lab, in which we run proteomics and imaging projects related to the influenza A virus.
We have three post-doctoral positions available within the ERC Synergy Grant with Julia Mahamid (EMBL Heidelberg), Juri Rappsilber (TU Berlin), and Rachel Green (Johns Hopkins University).
Your role: Develop new computational methods for modeling the atomic structure of large macromolecular complexes by leveraging tools like AlphaFold and RoseTTAfold, your own new AI-based algorithms, and integrating experimental data from in-cell cryo-electron tomography and crosslinking. You have: Ph.D. in Computer Science, Computational Structural Biology, or a related field; Strong programming skills in Python; deep learning experience. Duration: 3-5 years. Fully funded.
In collaboration with, and AI co-mentoring by, Fabian Theis at Helmholtz Münich.
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Your role: Develop new computational methods to mine electron tomograms and cryo-ET maps, aiming to identify macromolecular complexes in tomograms with higher precision and completeness. To achieve this, you will employ advanced image processing methods and incorporate complementary experimental data from crosslinking, as well as structural models from tools like AlphaFold. In the long term, your efforts will contribute to redefining cryo-ET data mining as an integrative structural modeling challenge. You have: Ph.D. in Computer Science, Image Processing, Computational Structural Biology, or a related field; Strong programming skills in Python. Duration: 3-5 years. Fully funded.
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We are always looking for students to work in either dry lab, on developing and applying novel computational methods, or wet lab, on experimental molecular cell virology projects. For dry lab, a background and/or interest in bioinformatics, structural modeling, programming, image analysis, or systems biology is beneficial. Students will have the opportunity to learn a variety of bioinformatics and modeling tools and gain expertise in the cutting-edge field of integrative structure and systems biology. For the wet lab, experience in mammalian cell culture would be strongly beneficial. Students are expected to be highly motivated to work on challenging research projects in an international team.
Please have a look at the pages for Visitors and Undergraduates and send your CV and a brief motivation letter to Jan Kosinski directly.