
Light Imaging Facility

Advanced light microscopy instrumentation and sample preparation services



MicroscopeMain featuresObjectives
Nikon AX/ARLaser Scanning confocal microscope. 4 detectors, 2 APD’s and 2 PMT’s. 4 lasers available (405, 488, 565, 640). Driven by NIS-Elements4x, 10x, 20x NA 0.75, 40x dry NA 0.95, 60x NA 1.42 oil immersion, 25x NA 1.05 silicon oil and 40x NA 1.3 silicon oil. Last two objectives upon request.
Leica ThunderFast epifluorescence microscope. LED engine with 405, 475, 555, 635 and 730. sCMOS camera Zyla. “Computational clearing” (deblurring) as post-processing available.5x, 10x, 20x LWD NA 0.4 (for plastic), 20x NA 0.8, 63x oil
Crest Optics V3 and DeepSIMSystem has confocal, epifluorescence and super-resolution modes. 7 lasers available (405, 446, 488, 518, 545, 637 and 748 nm). sCMOS camera Prime 95B. Driven by NIS-Elements4x, 10x, 20x NA 0.75, 40x dry NA 0.95, 60x NA 1.42 oil immersion, 25x NA 1.05 silicon oil and 40x NA 1.3 silicon oil. Last two objectives upon request.
Olympus VS200
Automated slide scanner.
Xylis LED light engine. Orca Flash V2 sCMOS camera. Automated oil dispenser. Slide tray loader for more than 200 slides.2x, 4x, 10x, 20x NA 0.8, 40x dry NA 0.95 and 40x oil NA 1.3.
Alpenglow OTLSHybrid open-top light sheet microscope. 4 lasers available, 405, 488, 656 and 640. 2 PCO sCMOS cameras.2 detection paths, an ODO equivalent to a 5x and a NODO equivalent to a 20x.
SMZ25Motorized stereo microscope with fluorescence. Filters available for GFP and mCherry. Qi CCD camera. NIS-Elements1x and 2x
Abberior STEDYCONCompact STED system. Available lasers for confocal 405, 488, 565 and 640. Available STED laser100x

Image analysis

ResourceMain Features

Tissue processing

Leica Cryostat CM3050S59
Cryostat Thermo Scientific NX7059
Microtome Leica RM2135 – manual59
Microtome Leica RM2135 – semi-automated59
Vibratome Leica VT1000S (2 units)59