A mobile, interdisciplinary facility for light microscopy, flow cytometry, and electron microscopy preparation
The Leica EM ICE freezes samples rapidly (within 20 ms) in liquid nitrogen at high pressure (~ 2000 bar) without ice crystal formation. Samples up to 200 µm in thickness are preserved without artefacts of chemical fixation. Afterwards, samples can be analyzed by cryoTEM, cryoSEM or processed for room temperature electron microscopy.
We provide cartridges supporting 3mm and 6mm HPF carriers.
Currently, we also offer Waffle method sample preparation for cryo-TEM. The limitation of Plunge Freezing is the size of the sample. Freezing TEM grids with HPF allows for an increase in the size of the sample. It also enables the concentration of samples at low density, where traditional plunge freezing would result in sample loss or insufficiency.