News from our group – Petridou Group

Petridou Group

Critical points and transitions in embryo development

The Petridou group aims to understand how complexity arises during early embryo development by focusing on the emergence and function of collective tissue properties. To do so, we combine diverse disciplines including comparative embryology, biophysics, statistical mechanics, quantitative and synthetic biology.

News from our group

Magdalena Schindler

Welcome Jun-Ru!

Jun-Ru Lee joins the group as postdoctoral fellow. His work will aim to understand the function of the interstitial fluid between the cells, which is vital for embryo development yet very poorly characterised until now.

Magdalena Schindler

Welcome Karen!

Karen Grace Soans is starting her postdoc in our group. She will explore the biophysical properties of the vertebrate organiser.

Magdalena Schindler

Yuting receives the EIPOD fellowship

Yuting received an EIPOD fellowship to fund her postdoctoral studies in the Petridou group (EMBL, Heidelberg) and the Saka Group (EMBL, Heidelberg). She will combine expertise from both groups to study transcriptional and tissue material changes during EMT in a developing system.

Magdalena Schindler

Jlenia receives the EIPOD fellowship

Jlenia was awarded an EIPOD fellowship to fund her postdoc between the Petridou, the Aulehla (EMBL, Heidelberg) and the Rodenfelds (MPI-CBG, Dresden) groups. Jlenia will combine quantitative imaging analysis, metabolic profiling, biophysics in zebrafish to uncover the principles underlying PTs.

Magdalena Schindler

Welcome Yuting!

Yuting Lu joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Her work will address the interplay between epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and the tissue material state.
