Critical points and transitions in embryo development
The Petridou group aims to understand how complexity arises during early embryo development by focusing on the emergence and function of collective tissue properties. To do so, we combine diverse disciplines including comparative embryology, biophysics, statistical mechanics, quantitative and synthetic biology.
Jlenia was awarded an EIPOD fellowship to fund her postdoc between the Petridou, the Aulehla (EMBL, Heidelberg) and the Rodenfelds (MPI-CBG, Dresden) groups. Jlenia will combine quantitative imaging analysis, metabolic profiling, biophysics in zebrafish to uncover the principles underlying PTs.
Yuting Lu joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Her work will address the interplay between epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and the tissue material state.
This new review by Lena and Nicoletta discusses the impact of cell cycle dynamics on early embryo development. Many open questions arise in this long-standing field, which made this literature review very exciting to us. We hope you enjoy it too!
Together with the group of Assaf Zaritsky, we received funding for 4-year funded postdoc positions through GIF-Nexus. At the interface of developmental biology and data science, we aim to find early predictors of tissue rigidity phase transitions during zebrafish morphogenesis. Apply!
Together with the group of Bernat Corominas-Murtra (Uni Graz), our lab received the Weave Lead Agency Collaborative grant. By combining theory and experiments we will explore the role of tissue phase transitions in embryo pattern formation. We are recruiting!
For her contribution as an early career scientist in developmental biology, Nicoletta was awarded the Hilde Mangold award by the German Society of Developmental Biology (GfE).
Camilla and Nicoletta review the role of critical phenoma in embryo development. Critical transitions may underlie many biological processes, like gene expression, cell differentiation and tissue mechanics. Yet, this field is only taking off recently in biology. Read more about it in the review!