
Proteomics Core Facility

This facility provides a full proteomics infrastructure for the identification and characterisation of proteins.

Do’s and Don’t’s


  • Fill out the request form and discuss your question before sending samples.
  • Contact the Facility at any time to discuss sample preparation / processing / shipping.
  • Provide us with as much information about your sample / protein as you can.
  • Use clean containers to stain and store gels, and use them only for this purpose.
  • Use a lid for the container mentioned above.
  • Wear gloves at all times during sample handling.
  • Cut gel bands on a clean bench and a clean glass plate using a clean (=new) scalpel knife,use 70% ethanol for cleaning and lint-free towels (like from Kimberly-Clark Kimtech science).
  • Send the protein sequence (FASTA format) when you have any tags attached to the original sequence (e.g. his tag, Flag, MBP, GST, etc.)
  • Acknowledge the Facility in your publications (please), if analyses / services have contributed to your work.
  • Use safe-lock tubes when sending samples to avoid opening of tubes during transport
  • If you send samples on dry ice, please snap-freeze them before in liquid nitrogen or take them directly from your freezer to avoid opening of tubes
  • Please spin samples shortly before freezing that the liquid is on the bottom of the tube
glove and plastic boxes


  • Don’t ship samples over the weekend
  • Don’t incubate gels in the microwave to expedite coomassie staining
  • Don’t use overhead transparencies to scan gels
  • Don’t use detergents and/or >5% glycerol for MS experiments of intact proteins
  • Don’t send samples without discussing with the PCF staff

dirty keyboard
