
Proteomics Core Facility

This facility provides a full proteomics infrastructure for the identification and characterisation of proteins.

Sample preparation

The purpose of this section is to provide general guidelines and practical hints that are relevant for sample preparation and submission to the Proteomics Core Facility. We recommend first-time users to take note of this, while returning users might find some items of interest as well.

The User Guide lists some of the essentials in sample preparation. In addition, we suggest some common practice that should be observed to minimise contamination, and to maximise the chances of a successful experiment.

The DO’s and DON’T’s recapitulate what is described in detail in the User Guide, while adding a number of issues that are obvious for most, but (as we have noticed) less so for others.

In the FAQs we itemise specific cases and applications, discussing how to interpret good results, how to explain unexpected results, and how to cope with lack of results.

Please see How to send a gel for step-by-step instructions on the best way to package a gel for shipping to us. Individual gel bands should be prepared following the guidelines.
