
Small Angle X-Ray Scattering

Specialized Sample Environments

Other Specialized Sample Environments at P12 allow Users to conduct custom experiments using advanced SAXS techniques or their own specialized setups.

This mode is ideal for experiments requiring specific conditions or equipment not covered by the standard configurations.

Users are encouraged to collaborate with the beamline staff to plan and optimize their experiments.

Similar to TR-SAXS, the beamtime for these sample environments are granted separately and require staff input for experimental planning.

Anomalous SAXS (ASAXS)

At the P12 beamline we offer Anomalous Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (ASAXS)

  • Energy range: ASAXS experiments can be performed across a wide range of X-ray energies 6-20 keV to exploit absorption edges of different elements, enabling contrast variation and selective probing of specific components.

    Temperature-Controlled In-Air Sample Stages:

    We offer temperature-controlled in-air sample stages, including capillary holders and specialized cells, for users needing precise control over sample temperature during SAXS measurements. This environment supports studies where thermal stability, melting, or phase transitions are critical.

    • Temperature range: The stages support a broad temperature range, allowing measurements from 4°C up to 80°C, depending on the experiment’s requirements.
    • Capillary holder and sample cell: Two temperature stages are available. A capillary holder for up to 16 capillaries (1.5 mm diameter), and a multi-cell setup (“sandwich” cell) for gel, viscous solution, or powder. 

    Versatile in-vacuum Sample Exposure Unit:

    The in-vacuum is a highly adaptable sample exposure unit designed to accommodate a range of experimental setups, including microfluidics-based SAXS measurements. The sample exposure unit is equipped with an on-axis microscope, front and back illumination, piezo stage for precise sample alignment and/or raster scan. Fiber port for sample illumination or in situ spectroscopy. and microfluidics feedthrough. This sample environment is typically used for in-vacuum microfluidics and scanning SAXS on bones.

    User-Supplied Setups:

    Besides the in-house systems, we can support user-based experimental instrumentation. Please get in touch with the P12 team for assistance with integration and ensure compatibility with the beamline’s infrastructure
