PhD students
- Birgit Pfalz (2012-2017), currently R&D IT Project Manager, Bayer, DE
- Lucia Herrera-Dominguez (2012-2017), postdoc in Ralser lab (Crick/Berlin), currently Senior Associate Scientist, DSM Royal, NL
- George Kritikos (2012-2017), currently Data Architect, European Food Safety Authority, IT
- Anna Sueki (2015-2020), postdoc in Jenal lab (Basel Biozentrum), CH – Marie Curie Fellowship, currently Scientist at Boehringer Ingelheim
- Jacob Bobonis (2016-2022), currently postdoc in Polz lab (Universtiy of Vienna), AT – EMBO and HSFP fellowships
- Philipp Walch (2017-2021), currently postdoc in Broz Lab (University of Lausanne), CH – EMBO and SNF fellowships
- Elisabetta Cacace (2016-2022), currently postdoc in Sunagawa & Slack labs (ETH Zürich), CH – Novartis grant
- Afonso Bravo (2018-2023, affiliated student – primary supervisor Jan-Willem Veening, University of Lausanne), currently at InnovPlantProject
- Luoyan Yong (2019-2024), currently postdoc in Cress Lab (UC Berkeley), US
- Nazgul Sakenova (2019-2024), currently postdoc in Bernhardt Lab (Harvard Medical School), US
- Stefan Bassler (2019-2024), currently postdoc in Petrov Lab (Stanford), US – EMBL-Stanford Alliance Bridging Excellence Fellowship
- Christina Pesavento (2012-2015, EMBO fellow), currently Scientific Referee at BMBF, DE
- Manuel Banzhaf (2012-2018), currently PI at Newcastle University (Senior Lecturer), UKRI Future Leader Fellow, UK
- Ana Rita Brochado (2012-2018), currently PI at Tübingen University (tenure-track W3 professorship), DFG Emmy Noether, DE
- Bachir El Debs (2013-2018, EMBO fellow), currently Director of High-Throughput Biologics at Lonza, CH
- Mihaela Pruteanu (2013-2016, EIPOD fellow), currently Scientific Project Manager at TRON Mainz, DE
- Alison Waller (2014-2016), currently at Brock University, CA
- Joel Selkrig (2014-2021, EMBO & EIPOD fellow), currently PI at Aachen University (tenure-track W2 professorship), DE
- Morgane Wartel (2014-2019, EMBO & Humboldt fellow), currently Senior Scientist at uniQure, NL
- Lisa Maier (2015-2018, EIPOD fellow), currently PI at Tübingen University (W3 professor), DFG Emmy Noether & ERC StG, DE
- Shahraz Mohammed (2016-2018), currently lab manager in Alexandrov lab, UCSD, US
- André Mateus (2017-2021, EIPOD fellow), currently PI at Umea University, Wallenberg Academy Fellow & ERC StG,SE
- Florian Huber (2017-2020, EIPOD fellow), currently Data Scientist and Software Engineer at DevOps, DE
- Karin Mitosch (2017-2022, EIPOD fellow), currently Scientific Investigator at Cellzome, DE
- Sarela Garcia-Santamarina (2018-2021, EIPOD fellow), currently PI at Leibniz HKI & Jena University (W3 professorship), Germany
- Camille Goemans (2018-2023, EMBO & Humboldt fellow), currently PI at EPFL, CH
- Milka Hammaren (2018-2020), currently postdoc at Tampere University, FI
- Vallo Varik (2018-2024), currently Director of Estonian biofoundry at Tartu University, EE
Affiliated postdocs
- Melanie Tramontano (2012-2017, EIPOD fellow), currently Biological Safety Officer at DKFZ, Heidelberg, DE
- Marco Galardini (2014-2019), currently PI at Twincore in Hannover University, DE
- Haruna Imamura (2015-2019, EIPOD fellow), currently Research Scientist at the Systems Biology Institute, Tokyo, JP
- Cris Viéitez (2016-2021), currently PI at IBFG in Salamanca University, Ramon y Cajal & ERC StG, ES
- Bede Busby (2016-2020), currently Team Manager Bacteriology and Mycology for the Ministry for Primary Industries, NZ
- Ruby Ponnudurai (2018-2023, EIPOD fellow), currently Editor at Review Commons, DE
Lab managers – Research Scientists
- Matylda Zietek (2012-2021), currently Research Scientist at the Center for the High-Content Functional Annotation of Natural Products of UCSD, US
- Anja Telzerow (2013-2017), currently Research Assistant at University Clinic Heidelberg, DE
- Alexandra Koumoutsi (2018-2024), currently Head of Culturomics & Microbial Automation Facility at EMBL, Heidelberg, DE
Faculty visitors
- KC Huang (2015, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Award from Humboldt Foundation), Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University, US
- Pascale Cossart (2022-2023), Pasteur Institute, FR
- Yuping Li (2023), Basel Biozentrum, CH
- Iñigo Lasa (2025), Universidad Pública de Navarra, ES