Systems (epi)genetics to study the basis of complex traits and diseases
This work co-supervised by Min Noh and Mikael Marttinen describes our technology for highthroughput and highly multiplexed joint RNA/ATAC profiling in single cells. Congratulations to Sara, Umut, Annique and all the authors!
This method has already sparked many collaborations – feel free to get in touch if interested.
Lobato-Moreno S, Yildiz U, Claringbould A, Servaas N, Vlachou E, Arnold C, Bauersachs H, Campos-Fornes V, Prummel K, Noh K, Marttinen M, Zaugg JB (2023). Scalable ultra-high-throughput single-cell chromatin and RNA sequencing reveals gene regulatory dynamics linking macrophage polarization to autoimmune disease. BioRxiv