
Zaugg Group

Systems (epi)genetics to study the basis of complex traits and diseases

Resources: GRaNIE and GRaNPA: Inference and evaluation of enhancer-mediated gene regulatory networks applied to study macrophages

Among the biggest challenges in the post-GWAS (genome-wide association studies) era is the interpretation of disease-associated genetic variants in non-coding genomic regions. Enhancers have emerged as key players in mediating the effect of genetic variants on complex traits and diseases. Their activity is regulated by a combination of transcription factors (TFs), epigenetic changes and genetic variants. Several approaches exist to link enhancers to their target genes, and others that infer TF-gene connections. However, we currently lack a framework that systematically integrates enhancers into TF-gene regulatory networks. Furthermore, we lack an unbiased way of assessing whether inferred regulatory interactions are biologically meaningful. Here we present two methods, implemented as user-friendly R-packages, for building and evaluating enhancer-mediated gene regulatory networks (eGRNs) called GRaNIE (Gene Regulatory Network Inference including Enhancers – https://git.embl.de/grp-zaugg/GRaNIE) and GRaNPA (Gene Regulatory Network Performance Analysis – https://git.embl.de/grp-zaugg/GRaNPA), respectively. GRaNIE jointly infers TF-enhancer, enhancer-gene and TF-gene interactions by integrating open chromatin data such as ATAC-Seq or H3K27ac with RNA-seq across a set of samples (e.g. individuals), and optionally also Hi-C data. GRaNPA is a general framework for evaluating the biological relevance of TF-gene GRNs by assessing their performance for predicting cell-type specific differential expression. We demonstrate the power of our tool-suite by investigating gene regulatory mechanisms in macrophages that underlie their response to infection, and their involvement in common genetic diseases including autoimmune diseases.

