
New funding scheme to strengthen infection biology research across Europe

EMBL and partners announce ‘Amplifying Funds in Infection Biology’ to foster interdisciplinary and collaborative research in infection biology

EMBL’s Infection Biology Transversal Theme and partners launch the new funding initiative ‘Amplifying Funds in Infection Biology’. Credit: Creative Team/EMBL

The Infection Biology transversal theme (IB TT) – a dedicated research area of EMBL’s 2022-2026 ‘Molecules to ecosystems’ programme – has announced a new funding initiative, ‘Amplifying Funds in Infection Biology’, to strengthen interdisciplinarity and collaboration in infection biology at EMBL and other research institutions.

Building on a previous successful funding scheme, the IB TT Synergy Grants, EMBL is partnering with leading European institutions in the field of infection biology (the Institut Pasteur, the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS), the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), and the Wellcome Sanger Institute) to co-fund collaborative projects.

The co-funding is intended for research groups within these specific partner institutions to bring together different types of expertise. Successful applications will include at least one EMBL partner and at least one collaborator from these specific organisations that are providing fund matching.  

The selected projects will investigate vital aspects of infection biology, such as pathogen-specific protein machines, host-pathogen interactions at different scales, human genetics influencing infection susceptibility, and innovative approaches to combat antimicrobial resistance.

EMBL’s Microbial Ecosystem transversal theme also supports this new funding scheme and encourages applicants with research projects related to the human microbiome or other microbiome components linked to infection biology to apply.

Further information, including eligibility criteria, is available on the dedicated ‘Amplifying Funds in Infection Biology’ page.

Important dates

  • Call opens: 1 July 2024
  • Application deadline: 25 October 2024
  • Results announcement: December 2024
  • Planned start of projects: First quarter of 2025

Tags: funding, infection biology, microbial ecosystems


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