
Nominate board members!

Alumni Association elections: call for candidates ahead of spring 2015 elections.

Current EMBL Alumni Association board: 12 members striving to be representative of gender, non-scientific staff, outstations and industry work experience

In 2015, we will be saying goodbye to Alumni Association board members Giulio Superti-Furga (Chair), Maria del Mar Vivanco (Vice-Chair), Anastasia Politou and Maj Britt Vorgrimmler as their final term in office ends, while they continue to work with EMBL on projects dear to their hearts.

Remaining board members, Marja Makarow (Vice-Chair), Annabel Goulding (Treasurer), Gareth Griffiths, Des Higgins, Jacqueline Mermoud, Preben Morth, Joep Muijrers and Sarah Sherwood will stand for re-election in a bid to continue their second and final term in office.

We would like to encourage members of the alumni community to cast their vote in the elections in Spring 2015, and to nominate themselves or others to stand for board positions. Board members can serve up to two terms in office (one term is four years), and are expected to attend the two annual meetings held in Heidelberg and an EMBL outstation in rotation.

Please contact alumni@embl.org by 14 November for nominations or more information.

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