A new EMBL microscope hits the road
Science & Technology The Prevedel group at EMBL Heidelberg developed a mobile microscope: miniature in scale, fast in sample imaging, and giant in resolution.
Science & Technology The Prevedel group at EMBL Heidelberg developed a mobile microscope: miniature in scale, fast in sample imaging, and giant in resolution.
Science & Technology EMBL Heidelberg researchers compared the effect of drugs on isolated bacteria versus those growing in communities. This is the first study showing that bacteria are more resilient when in community due to cross-protection strategies. This could help researchers design more efficient therapies.
Science & Technology EMBL Heidelberg researchers discovered how a protein switches between repelling and gluing chromosomes during cell division. This helps the mother cell to divide the genome equally into two daughter cells and cluster chromosomes inside the daughter nuclei, ensuring a successful cell division.
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