

Carla Manzanas

23 March 2023 Portrait of a person looking at the camera. In the background there are trees and a white building

Welcome: Alejandro Torres-Sánchez

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives The new group leader is setting up the first purely theory-focused research group at EMBL Barcelona. He aims to understand fundamental biological principles using mathematical models and computer simulations, in close collaboration with experimental researchers across EMBL.



15 March 2023 Image of a group of people behind a large, black table with two cakes on it to celebrate EMBL Barcelona’s fifth anniversary

EMBL Barcelona: Five years down the road

Lab Matters EMBL’s site by the sea completed its fifth year of operations. We look back at some key milestones and achievements since 2017.



16 December 2022 Group of around hundred people looking at the camera

EMBL in Spain: from EvoDevo to Tissues

More than a hundred scientists from across Spain and Europe met at the Andalusian Centre for Developmental Biology (CABD) for the 2022 “EMBL in Spain” event.



30 November 2022 Portrait of Talya Dayton propped up on a balcony rail

Welcome to EMBL: Talya Dayton

Lab MattersPeople & Perspectives The new group leader in Barcelona aims to understand how cells behave in health and in disease, and approaches her favourite hobby, cooking, very similarly to her work in the lab.



1 September 2022 4D reconstruction of a mouse limb with lateral and top view.

Building the ideal limb

Science & Technology EMBL researchers use a “fearless” computer reconstruction and a two-centuries-old mathematical approach to study limb bud growth.



26 July 2022 Group of around 100 people posing in a terrace in front of the sea.

A summer of scientific exchange in Barcelona

ConnectionsLab Matters EMBL’s site by the sea hosted a trio of conferences this summer, covering topics ranging from vascular biology to engineered living systems to evolution.



28 April 2022 Microsocopy image of Pair of somites. Blue is a nuclear marker (DAPI) and red is an apical marker (ZO-1).

Unravelling the origins of the human spine

Science & Technology Scientists at EMBL Barcelona have created for the first time a 3D in vitro model that recapitulates the periodic formation of human somites – structures that give rise to the spinal column.



16 March 2022 Image of a whole lung piece and its internal delicate structure

Putting Cryptococcus in context

Science & Technology EMBL’s imaging technology helps researchers gain insights in the fungus’ journey from the lung to the brain.



15 November 2021 3D visualization of the vascularized placenta barrier model on-a-chip.

Building a 3D placenta on a chip

Lab MattersScience & Technology A new model could serve as a platform to investigate critical placenta barrier phenomena, including defence against bacteria, viruses, and parasites.



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