EMBL announces interim leadership
Peer Bork and Ewan Birney will lead EMBL after the departure of Director General Edith Heard in summer 2025

EMBL Council has announced interim leadership arrangements that will ensure a steady transition for EMBL when Director General Edith Heard takes up her new appointment as Director of the Francis Crick Institute in summer 2025.
Peer Bork and Ewan Birney will assume the leadership of EMBL when Heard departs and until the appointment of EMBL’s new Director General.
Bork will take up the role of Interim Director General, working closely with Ewan Birney in a new role of Executive Director. Together they will focus on continuing to deliver on the vision and priorities set out in the ‘Molecules to Ecosystems’ programme. Both bring substantial leadership experience, which will ensure EMBL continues to deliver alongside its member states, partners, and collaborators across all five missions until EMBL’s next Director General is appointed.