
EMBL Taxonomy:

Ellenberg Group

4 January 2023 Confocal microscopy of dynamic concentration of nucleoporins (top) and 3D model of postmitotic assembly pathway of the nuclear pore complex over a time scope of 60 minutes during cell division.

Step-by-step guide to nuclear pore complex assembly

Science & Technology EMBL Heidelberg researchers and their collaborators reveal how the nuclear pore complex, one of the biggest molecular machines in eukaryotic cells, is assembled one protein at a time.



5 July 2022 A view of the EMBL Imaging Centre with fields in the background

The EMBL Imaging Centre: making it happen

Connections Creating a cutting-edge facility for the global life science community doesn't happen overnight. We spoke to some of those who worked to turn this dream into a reality.



12 November 2021 Pia Lavriha and Anna Steyer look at cryo-electron microscopic images on a computer screen.

EMBL Imaging Centre welcomes first external user

Lab MattersScience & Technology Correlative microscopy service enables PhD student from Switzerland to study structure and location of proteins cells use to communicate.



27 October 2020 Microscopic image of a cell, nucleus visible in bright green, cell membrane stained with a purple dye against black background.

Party at the nucleus?

Science & Technology The nucleus of this cell fluoresces in bright green thanks to GFP-labelled nucleoporin proteins. EMBL scientists use engineered nucleoporins as 3D reference standards to improve super-resolution microscopy.



18 August 2011 Circling chromosomes. Chromosomes (blue) form a ‘belt’ around the centre of the spindle (green), discovered by the EMBL scientists.

Fishing games gone wrong

Science & Technology When an egg cell is being formed, the cellular machinery which separates chromosomes is extremely imprecise at fishing them out of the cell’s interior, scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, have discovered. The unexpected degree of trial-and-error…



23 January 2011 Micropilot detected cells at particular stages of cell division

Intelligent microscopy

Science & Technology The sight of a researcher sitting at a microscope for hours, painstakingly searching for the right cells, may soon be a thing of the past, thanks to new software created by scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany. Presented today in Nature Methods, the…



2 December 2010 Euro-BioImaging will provide open access to state-of-the-art biological imaging techniques like fluorescence microscopy, which produced this snapshot of chromosomes (blue) being pulled apart in a dividing egg. Image credits: EMBL/ T. Kitajima

Better imaging from bench to bedside

Science & Technology From microscopy to computer tomography (CT) scans, imaging plays an important role in biological and biomedical research, but obtaining high-quality images often requires advanced technology and expertise, and can be costly. Euro-BioImaging, a project which launches its preparatory phase today,…



1 April 2010 Each of these large images of dividing cells is composed of several microscopy images of human cells in which different individual genes were silenced. The smaller images are placed according to genes’ effects: images for genes that affect chromosomes make up the chromosomes (red/pink), while the mitotic spindle (green) is composed of images for genes that affect it. IMAGE: Thomas Walter & Mayumi Isokane / EMBL

Movies for the human genome

Science & Technology Name a human gene, and you’ll find a movie online showing you what happens to cells when it is switched off. This is the resource that researchers at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, and their collaborators in the Mitocheck consortium are making freely…




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